The possibilities of producing high-end furnishings with recycled furniture in order for men and women to be much more environmentally conscious was the main motivating factor for the two Dutch designers: “Thinking about the environmental devastation occurring on a international-scale ranging from deforestation in the Amazon to our worldwide consumerism crisis, The Trash Closet is intended to be an aesthetic consideration grabber with the goal of educating people to be much more cautious with what they do with old furnishings”, stated Sander Lucas.
The Trash Closet uses furnishings that was identified lying in the streets of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Most folks would consider furniture in the streets as trash, but if you look closer to what we ‘deem’ as trash, we can produce gorgeous pieces of functional art that can serve as an educational tool. The final prototyping, production, and conceptualization was sponsored by Dutch Style Only and is available as a limited edition. Would you contemplate having this item in your home? [Photography Credits: Rene Mesman]
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